Bowen Family Foundation, Inc.

Bowen Family Foundation, Inc. FAQ

Have questions about the Bowen Family Foundation, Inc.? Click the topics and tabs below to read through our Frequently Asked Questions. Please reference contact information for the institution of your interest for further questions.

What is the Bowen Family Foundation?

  • The Bowen Family Foundation, Inc. was established in 1993 as a non-profit 501c3 organization.

What does the BFF Scholarship cover?

  • The Bowen Family Foundation, Inc. provides scholarships to underrepresented individuals living in Marion County, Indiana and its surrounding counties. The scholarships are augmented with wrap around services to enhance the student’s experience and encourage retention. Participation in these wrap around services is a requirement of each student.

What are the requirements to be a BFF Scholar?

  • Be a member of an underrepresented community
  • Resident of Marion County and surrounding counties
  • High School graduate or GED equivalent
  • Maintain a 2.3 Cum GPA
  • Completed FAFSA
  • Preference given to financial need
  • Any additional requirements set by partners

Who should I contact for more information?

  • Contact our partners for further information on how to apply for a scholarship. Each partner has slightly different deadlines and requirements.

Am I eligible for Bowen Family Foundation Scholarships?

  • Yes, if you are a member of an underrepresented community and meet the basic requirements of the foundation. Age is not a requirement. The Foundation has recipients of all ages.

How do I enroll in the Bowen Family Foundation?

  • Contact our partners. They are your first line of information.

© Copyright 2024, Bowen Family Foundation, Inc.

Bowen Family Foundation, Inc.